Thursday 18 September 2008

Appearances can be so deceptive

Had the dubious experience of meeting some folk from the BNP tonight. When I say "meeting" I didn't actually speak to them, they were in the playground of the polling place I was standing outside. What struck me about them, as they were ejected from the building for breaking the rules, was that they appeared to be almost "normal". And they said goodbye to each of us. I felt a bit rude not replying. I don't like to "shun" any human being and it makes it harder when they clearly don't think they're doing anything wrong. The fact that they politely acknowledged us as if we were all "in the same game" said to me that they think they are as legitimate as any mainstream political party.

As I said I don't like to shun anyone but everything they stand for repulses me and I cannot recognise them as anything other than a racist organisation. Acknowledging them politely in the school playground as if their views don't matter, or are somehow part-time and / or irrelevant would have made me feel like a coward. Hopefully THEIR cowardly policies will be roundly rejected by the people of Baillieston tonight.


Anonymous said...

It's a real bummer when people you know you should despise are nice to you, isn't it! Just remember, even Hitler is rumoured to have been nice to both kids and dogs. It still didn't make him a nice person though, did it?

Holyrood Patter said...

i have always been unsure what to think.
the BNP are a hideous party, and yet i believe in free speech and could i honestly condone a political party being outlawed. Its a thought provoker, so curse you for provoking my thoughts when i am trying to study!

DebbyMcK said...

Almost "normal"? Do you mean like everyone else? Not adhering to the norm? "The fact that they politely acknowledged us as if we were all "in the same game" said to me that they think they are as legitimate as any mainstream political party." Are they not a LEGITIMATE MAINSTREAM PARTY? The BNP are doing well in England so obviously people agree with their views or does that not matter in politics? Isn't that what a democracy is? power to the people? So if the public are voting for them then why shouldn't they stand in elections? The BNP are a NATIONALIST PARTY. Hiltler's party was a NATIONAL/SOCIALIST PARTY. That is where the term NAZI is from. I suggest that before opinions are formed. people actually read up on nationalism, fascism and racist definitions and origins so as not to seem ill-informed.